
     One of the first memories I can remember from my early childhood happens to be an incident in which I got hurt (by accident, of course). 

     I was very young, around 3 or 4 years old. I was in my backyard at my house with my older brother by 3 years, someone who I grew up and have a strong bond with. We were playing baseball and using the tee to bat. 

     When it was my brother’s turn, I ended up standing too close next to him and when he swung his metal baseball bat, he accidentally hit me in the head. I remember bleeding a lot, touching my face and looking down at my small, tiny child hands covered in my blood. I was nervous, but I knew I was okay and that it was only an accident. My brother felt terrible after and even cried because he thought he might have really injured me.

     I remember this moment in particular because it was one of my first memories of pain and forgiveness.